Saturday, May 31, 2008

VLE Evaluation Questions

Please answer the following questions using the comments tab for the VLE assignment 2.

1. I created a Wiki for the topic Investigating the mortality rates for the sinking of the Titanic as a collaborative tool for students to use and as a teacher resource. Do you think Wikis make a difference in the way students collaborate? Why?

2. What other web 2.0 tools could be incorporated into the Wiki to make it more of a virtual environment for flexible learning?
3.What restrictions do educators face when using/setting up a Wiki in a school?

4. How could assessment instructions or tasks be set easier for everyone to follow?

5.Instead of a Wiki whatelse could have worked better for this assessment?

6.What are the benefits of Wikis and do you think they can be improved? What could make them better?

7.Could the topic have a second part as an extended investigation learning assessment for students of higher order thinking?

8.How did this assessment cover both the integration of History and Mathematics in a virtual learning environment? What could have improved?

9. Do you think the Wiki created was being used to its potential in educational setting? Why?
10. How would you alter this assessment to cater for all student needs?

1 comment:

Betina said...

1. I created a Wiki for the topic Investigating the mortality rates for the sinking of the Titanic as a collaborative tool for students to use and as a teacher resource. Do you think Wikis make a difference in the way students collaborate? Why?

I know wikis make a difference in the way students collaborate because I actually did an action research project on student collaboration with wikis at the end of last year. It forces them to collaborate both on and offline. My only concern with your wiki is I can’t see how students are collaborating. It only seems to be a wiki showing the project teachers will give them. Am I missing something?

2. What other web 2.0 tools could be incorporated into the Wiki to make it more of a virtual environment for flexible learning?

Any sort of collaborative tool to share student reports – blog or using the wiki in this way.

3.What restrictions do educators face when using/setting up a Wiki in a school?

Access to technology. Actually having enough computers for students to use the technology when they need to. Training teachers and students in the use of the technology. Internet access / bandwith needs to be high enough. Sometimes the sites you need to access to make the learning authentic are blocked on school servers.

4. How could assessment instructions or tasks be set easier for everyone to follow?

More clear steps, more sharing / collaboration.

5.Instead of a Wiki what else could have worked better for this assessment?

Wiki is fine, but I would have had more sections – including one for collaboration. Also including a blog or discussion board to share students thoughts would have been good.

6.What are the benefits of Wikis and do you think they can be improved? What could make them better?

Ease of access, easy to use, access anywhere, free, word processing tools. To make better: more functionality to include videos, creative tools, etc.

7.Could the topic have a second part as an extended investigation learning assessment for students of higher order thinking?

I thought it might have been interesting to do a comparative study – say the titanic vs. another major disaster such as a major plane crash.

8.How did this assessment cover both the integration of History and Mathematics in a virtual learning environment? What could have improved?

Seemed to do a nice job of looking at both. Perhaps the report students had to do could have had more detail about required discussion links between the history and the mathematics?

9. Do you think the Wiki created was being used to its potential in educational setting? Why?

I think it needed more areas for collaboration. The tasks were fine but I couldn’t actually find anywhere that they could or would share or discuss their findings – which is necessary if it is collaborative. Perhaps they were collaborating in class to get the work done? This wasn’t clear.

10. How would you alter this assessment to cater for all student needs?

More videos and or images would be good for ESL or low literacy students.